A Word From Our Principal

Dear Parents and Community Members,

Cold Spring School continues to be ranked as a top 100 school in the State of California for its Academic Excellence in Education! It’s our outstanding teachers and staff, parents and community partnerships who work together to provide an outstanding learning environment are what make Cold Spring School truly special!

Cold Spring School has created a learning environment that encourages self-discovery with multiple hands-on learning opportunities. The committed teachers and staff are constantly striving to identify and support each child’s Passion by offering a comprehensive core program that incorporates Art, Physical Education, Music and Theatre, Technology and Design/Engineering.

Together, we are working to ensure every student leaves sixth grade with a desire to “make a difference” by following their Passion. We empower every student by encouraging him or her to think differently about the world we live in through these comprehensive enrichment programs.

These enrichment programs would not be available without the financial support and involvement of the parents and the community as all of these enrichment programs are supported by parent and community contributions made through the Cold Spring School Foundation.

I am thankful to be leading a community that believes we can make the world a better place by supporting the creativity and innovation inside each one of our children. Thank you for your continued support!

Dr. Amy Alzina